Our List of Magical List of Woman Bloggers
August 23rd, 2007 by tisnerThe other night we got a Google alert that caught our attention. It was a mention from fellow judge for the latest challenge on a social network that we all belong to by Toby Bloomberg.
The other night we got a Google alert that caught our attention. It was a mention from fellow judge for the latest challenge on a social network that we all belong to by Toby Bloomberg.
Before she posted her list, Colleen had a really nice conversation about trends that are happening in the Internet. She had mentioned to Colleen about a powerful list of Women Bloggers and how many Bloggers were either adding to the master list or starting their own.
In her post The W Magical List of Women Bloggers she mentions "The W List – or the magical list as some have called it – is a way for women to celebrate women .. a way for women to support women .. a way for women to be ourselves." I was absolutely thrilled when I saw that she included our team BLOG Orlando Avenue on her list.
So who are some of your favorite writers? How about the members of ActiveRain join in the trend and identify our favorite Woman Bloggers out there! In addition to Toby Bloomberg’s Diva Marketing Blog, here is a list of some of the Orlando Avenue Top Team’s favorite female Blogs that we read:
We hope you enjoy some of our favorite writers… Thank you Toby Bloomberg for mentioning Colleen Kulikowski and the Orlando Avenue Top Team.