Local Orlando Florida School Award and Incredible Mom Video
October 3rd, 2007 by tisnerUnited States Department of Education
I would like to share with you the following good news from one of our local Orlando Florida schools and a video that promises to bring a smile to your face!
Connie Reece last week at BlogOrlando in Orlando Florida a reminder to include humor in our writing. So for those of you as old as me who remember The Lone Ranger you will appreciate the music by Rossini in the video. Ok I used to be a music teacher for years before selling real estate in Orlando Florida and couldn’t resist the reference.
First the good news and report card for one of our local schools right here in Orlando Florida.
St.Charles Borromeo Catholic School has been awarded the United States Department of Education "No Child Left Behind" Blue Ribbon Schools Award 2007! The children and parents are thrilled! The school board and Fr.Tom are very proud of faculty, staff, students and families who all worked together to make this happen for their community. St. Charles was the only school in Central Florida this year. The next closest one is in Melbourne., and only one other Catholic School in Florida was announced. (The Cathedral School in St. Augustine).
If your school or neighborhood has a press release or important annoucement please share it with me in our comments section. The Orlando Top Team in Orlando Florida will be happy to write about it for you too! Your school or event can be in any of the five surrounding counties including Orange, Polk, Lake, Osceola and Seminole county.
Now for that bit of humor I promised take a look at this youtube video does it sound like your mom?