Pink Flamingos
October 26th, 2006 by tisnerThe story behind the Pink Flamingos

The pink plastic flamingo, planted into the ground by two metal legs, is meeting its demise. The Massachusetts manufacturer that produces the flamboyant product is closing its doors on November 1st.
The flamingo is 49 years old.
Once upon a time the plastic flamingos were a Florida symbol, both loved and mocked with 250,000 flamingos produced a year. Pink plastic flamingos showed up all over Florida lawns, often with many flamingos standing proudly on a single green lawn. Now it’s, "Farewell, flamingo."
If you want to buy a bird go to ebay. The retro plastic bird no longer shows up in flocks but in Celebration, Florida, a pink flamingo in the garden stands as a symbol of a person in need of prayer. As such a memorial, the pink plastic flamingo lives.