January 12th, 2021 by tisner

People don’t always appreciate all the roles that windows fill in the home. They provide natural light, give you a way to open up and let in some fresh air, and even help regulate indoor temperatures. Many homes even use windows to add a decorative element that is hard to achieve with other forms of decoration. With that said, not all windows are created equal. Some windows use cheap materials to keep costs down. Your old windows may have started out in good shape but ended up showing their age as time goes by. They may have even become damaged or otherwise in need of repair. Regardless of the reason, you might have windows in your home that just aren’t doing what you need them to do. Should you replace them? Here are a few things that you should consider to help you make this decision.
What’s Wrong With Your Windows?
Before rushing in and replacing windows, stop and think about the actual reason that you want to replace them. Do you simply not like the way that they look, or is there a bigger problem? Do the windows leak or have drafts? Is there visible damage to the glass or the window frame? There are a lot of viable reasons why you might replace windows in your home, but if you’re on the fence then it’s worth taking the time to articulate what those reasons are.
Repair or Replace?
In some cases, you might not actually need to replace your windows to take care of your issues with them. If you’re dealing with cracked glass, damaged window frames, or other forms of damage, you might be able to repair the windows at a lower cost than replacing them outright. If repair is an option, try getting some quotes to see whether it’s cheaper in your case to repair than replace.
Consistent Styling
It’s possible that at some point in the past, one or more windows in your home was replaced for some reason. Unfortunately, when that happened there may not have been a lot of care put into matching the replacement with the existing windows. This usually leaves the home with a few windows that stick out like sore thumbs. If you’re tired of certain windows being an eyesore, you might replace them and upgrade to something that more closely matches the other windows in your home. As an alternative, you could also replace all the windows and create a new style that’s all your own.
Improving Energy Efficiency
One big reason for replacing windows is to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home. Modern windows tend to go a lot further toward keeping things warm in the winter and cool in the summer than older windows do. By upgrading your windows to more energy-efficient models you can not only eliminate drafts and take care of other issues, but you can also save yourself a significant amount of money over time.
Replace One or All?
One thing to consider when looking at window replacements is whether you want to only replace certain windows or if you want to upgrade all the windows in your home. Replacing all the windows creates a more uniform style, but it also comes at a significantly higher cost. It’s certainly an option if it fits your budget, but if the price tag is a bit steep then you might also look into only replacing certain windows with similar styles that will closely match the existing windows in the home.
Getting New Windows Installed
When the time does come to replace some or all of your windows, you want to make sure that the job is done right. This is where HomeKeepr can help. Sign up for a free account today to find window installers in your area who can get the job done right without breaking the bank.
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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By: Homekeepr, David Weinstein
Tags: Is It Time to Replace Your Windows, replacing your windows, Teri Isner, The Orlando Avenue Top Team, windows
Posted in Home Tips from Teri | No Comments »
August 12th, 2020 by tisner
The Celebration Real Estate Market Trends Report for 34747 shows 167 homes sold in July 2020 compared to 172 in July 2019. The average sales price was $371,150 compared to $294,074 in July 2019 and homes were on the market an average of 77 days, compared to 63 days in July 2019.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Tags: celebration florida, celebration florida real estate, Celebration Florida Real Estate Market Report for July 2020, home prices, home sales, home values, Teri Isner, The Orlando Avenue Top Team
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July 14th, 2020 by tisner

Are you looking for backyard privacy or need to provide a safe space for children to play or for pets to exercise? Deciding to install fencing on your property takes a few major decisions. With so many types available, the purchase process can be confusing. Here, we will look at different types of fencing material to help you make your decision.
- The most common types of fencing are wood, vinyl, and metal.
- The type of wood you choose depends on your budget. Pine is inexpensive and treated to resist rot and insects. Different types of cedar and Douglas fir, on the other hand, is naturally resistant to moisture and pests and will cost more upfront.
- Wood composites are made of sawdust and recycled plastic. It looks like wood and comes in many styles, finishes, and colors. Most manufacturers of composites offer a warranty on their products, making it a more expensive choice, but a long-lasting one.
- Vinyl fencing is almost maintenance-free and comes in many styles. Costs are high initially, but its durability and little upkeep pay for themselves in the end.
- Wrought iron, aluminum, and chain link fencing are all long-lasting choices. Chain link is likely the easiest for DIY, but the others would be best installed by a pro. Maintenance for wrought iron mostly consists of painting and keeping an eye out for rust.
- If cost is not an option but security and durability are your concerns, there is the option to have steel fencing installed.
- Hiring a fencing contractor is a smart move because they are knowledgeable about materials and styles that perform well in your area. Installing fences is what they do; their expertise can save you money and time in the long run.
Consider a living fence, grown from such plants as privet or another evergreen, but that will require some patience as the plants fill in. Remember to check with your local municipality or homeowner’s association for permits and regulations regarding your plans.
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Photo credit: Rustic Fence Company
Tags: Choosing the Correct Fencing for Your Home, different types of fencing material, fencing, homeowners, install fencing, Teri Isner, The Orlando Avenue Top Team, yard maintenance
Posted in Home Tips from Teri | No Comments »
October 22nd, 2019 by tisner

Laundry. For some, the word causes some dread, for others, it’s just another job, and for the rest–well, it seems as if they went to a laundry boot camp! With so many different washers and products available, it’s easy to think that the machine will take care of everything, but that’s not always the case. Are you making any of these mistakes?
- Load size is important when you’re choosing your wash cycle and amount of detergent. Too many clothes and they won’t get clean and adding too much detergent can cause the clothes to have more stains and residue. The Spruce tells you how to figure out how much laundry your washer tub can hold.
- HE machines are just that–high efficiency. They use less water and energy, but too much detergent can cause the machine to sense the extra suds and begin a second rinse cycle. That’s not very efficient.
- Using fabric softener for all types of clothing isn’t necessary. Athletic wear doesn’t benefit from the agents in the softener and defeats the purpose of moisture-wicking fibers. Hang those to dry. Towels will be just as soft without softener and dried in the dryer.
- Letting stains dry is never a good idea. Sure, we have powerful stain-fighters easily accessible, but not every stain comes out. The American Cleaning Institute Stain Removal Guide has a solution for almost every stain under the sun!
- Hand washing labels are there for a reason: those items need gentle treatment. If you don’t have time to soak and swish those pieces in the sink, use a garment bag and the delicate cycle on your machine, and air or hang to dry.
- Leaving zippers down can cause distress to the zipper and break them. On the other hand, washing a shirt left buttoned up is more likely to lose those buttons because of the pull on the fabric.
- Extra bleach sounds like a great idea when items are especially dirty, but it will cause the fabric to yellow and break down much faster. Use the recommended amount on the bottle.
- The high heat setting should not be your default drying cycle. Save that cycle for towels and whites. Clothes may take longer on the low heat cycle, but the lower temperature helps save your clothes from fading and shrinkage.
Don’t forget to keep your dryer running smoothly by cleaning the lint screen after every load you dry. Change your way of thinking about doing laundry–instead of a job, it’s a process! It may add a few minutes to this chore, but you’ll benefit in longer-lasting clothes and less energy use, saving money in the end.
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Photo credit: homestructions
Tags: home chores, laundry, Laundry Mistakes You Could Be Making, Teri Isner, The Orlando Avenue Top Team, washing your clothes
Posted in Home Tips from Teri | No Comments »
December 1st, 2017 by tisner
FHA insured mortgages serve a sector of the market that is not necessarily being met by other loan programs.
Securing an 80% conventional mortgage that doesn’t require mortgage insurance may be the lowest cost of financing but if the buyer doesn’t have 20% down payment, it isn’t really an option.
Securing a 100% VA loan doesn’t require a down payment or mortgage insurance but if the buyer isn’t a veteran with his/her eligibility intact, it isn’t an option either.
There are conventional loan programs with as little as 3% down payment but they not only require mortgage insurance, they also require a credit score of 740 or above which may eliminate some buyers.
For these reasons, FHA is a viable alternative to about 20% of new and existing home sales. The Federal backing of these mortgages makes it easier for first-time and low-income buyers to qualify because the requirements are not as demanding. They’re even more lenient towards buyers who have previously experienced bankruptcy, foreclosure or a short sale.
Finding the right mortgage for the right home is a team effort where both mortgage and real estate professionals work in harmony to get a buyer into their own home. Call us at 407-566-1800 for a recommendation of a trusted mortgage professional.
General FHA loan requirements include:
- The loan is for primary residences only but can include two, three or four units.
- The property must be appraised by an FHA-approved appraiser.
- The property must be safe, sound and secure, in compliance with minimum property standards as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
- The borrower must be a legal resident of the U.S. and have a valid Social Security number.
- The minimum credit score of 580 with a down payment of at least 3.5 percent, or a minimum credit score of 500 with a down payment of at least 10 percent.
- The borrower may not have delinquent federal debt or judgments, or debt associated with past FHA loans.
- The borrower must have steady employment history.
- Documentation is required if the down payment was gifted by a family member.
- The borrower must have a debt-to-income not exceed limits of 31% for front-end and 43% back-end ratio (some exceptions may apply).
- Any judgments or collections on the credit report must be resolved or satisfactorily explained.
By: PatZaby.com
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Tags: fha, home financing, homebuyers, mortgage, mortgage insurance, orlando avenue top team, paying for a house, Teri Isner, The Orlando Avenue Top Team
Posted in Financing, Orlando Buyers | No Comments »