Orlando Real Estate Market Values
April 23rd, 2008 by tisnerOrlando Real Estate Market Values and Market snapshots
Orlando Real Estate Market Values in a declining market where do you stand?
We have been recieving alot of requests lately for market value. This is more important and timely considering the current market conditions.
A good place to start is with our market snapshot. This is way more than just a number but will show you on a map where your competition is, what has sold nearby, what are the most recent statistics around your home. It also gives you the days on the market and local neighborhood information.
Find out how you can get yours.
Just go to the snapshot box and enter your address. Wait a few minutes and an email will be sent to you with a link to all the information.
Now here is the important part. Play with the map and icons they will enlarge and give more information. Click on a green tab and you will see property details. Yours will show as a green triangle button, the solds are in red. Scroll down the list under the map for a list of the homes closest to yours.
You can also expand boxes for more information in different categories. Go ahead give it a try. I am going to add a link here to an example for you to try. If you are getting ready to sell this is a great first step to finding out what the snapshot looks like in your neighborhood.
Here is an example of a snapshot to review to give you an idea of what it covers.
If you have any problems just let us know we will be glad to help. You can also check out all homes for sale by becoming a vip member just use the search for homes button above.