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Get These Fall Jobs Done

September 19th, 2024 by tisner

The weather is cooler, but the days are still long enough to get some regular Fall maintenance done.  Get your home prepped for cooler weather now so it won’t be a problem later.   

  • Clean gutters before the leaves fall so they won’t get clogged.  Consider installing some gutter protectors so the coming leaf drop won’t cause further problems. 
  • Raking leaves is a job many don’t care for, but if you do, and plan on burning them, check with your local government offices or HOA guidelines to make certain it’s allowed.  If not, it’s best to bag them for curbside pick-up, or find a gardening neighbor that would appreciate the extra composting material. 
  • After you’ve mowed and raked one last time, fertilize the lawn.  The roots are still active, and the extra nutrients will help the grass overwinter safely. 
  • Speaking of using the lawnmower one last time, drain the fuel and oil from gas-powered equipment, and clean them well.  This Old House offers some excellent tips on putting up the lawn mower for Winter. 
  • Give the roof a good look and replace broken or missing shingles. 
  • Check windows and doors–inside and out–for drafts and apply weather-stripping or caulking where it’s needed.  Today’s Homeowner has a video that shows us how to apply caulk around our windows. 
  • Call your HVAC serviceperson, and have the heater checked and serviced, if necessary.  Go ahead and make sure your filters are new–buying them in bulk keeps you from having to remember to get one every couple of months and saves you money. 
  • If you use wood for heating, hopefully it’s already cut and seasoned.  Store it at least 30 feet from the house, covered, unless you bring it in a few days before you burn it. 
  • Turn off your sprinkler system timer, shut water off at the main, and drain the system. If you’re not able to drain it yourself, it may be worth the money to hire a pro to blow the pipes out and drain the sprinkler heads. 

It may take a couple of weekends to get all of these done, but all are important to do, and hopefully save you from a headache and spending a lot of money later in the Winter.  Some of these chores could be done by a teenager looking to earn a few extra dollars, and they can learn something in the process. You’re never too young to learn about taking care of your home.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

Spring Maintenance Check List for Your Home

March 19th, 2024 by tisner

Spring cleaning has likely already become underway in your household.  What you may not have given much thought however is spring maintenance for your home.   There are several things that folks generally check around their homes before the winter months but there are also a few things you need to check in the early spring months.  Below is a spring maintenance check list for your home.

  1. Springtime means it is time to start mowing your lawn again.  If your lawn mower has been outside all winter due to lack of storage space you may need to do a bit of maintenance on it before you get it going.  Sharpening the blade is always a good idea before a new season so that you get a nice clean cut on the grass.  It’s also a good idea to check the oil on your lawn mower before beginning to use it for the warm season.
  1. Spring is a great time to check your house for worn paint areas such as your shutters.  If you find worn or chipped paint on your house what better time to fix that than in the typically perfect weather of spring.
  1. Be sure to check your crawl space vents for any debris that may have accumulated there over the winter months.  Also you want to keep your eye out for any animals such as snakes or rodents that may have made their home in your crawl space over the last few months.  Get rid of anything that doesn’t belong and repair anything that may be broken such as the vent covers.
  1. Get your flower beds and any garden areas ready for spring by cleaning out any debris that may have accumulated and trimming back any old growth.  It is also a good time to add mulch to your flower beds and fertilizer to your garden.

The above list of spring maintenance ideas is just a start in the right direction.  There is certainly much more that you need to do in and around your house before the summer time approaches.  Once you get started with these, you will likely find and think of more things that need to be done.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction

Tips for De-Cluttering Your Bathroom

March 5th, 2024 by tisner

any room in your house can sometimes feel like a huge job to take on but for some reason de-cluttering the bathroom can seem to take on a whole life of its own.    Truth is there are many items in our bathrooms that we no longer use.   Take an hour or so to go through your bathroom with this list of tips for de-cluttering.

  1. The first tip to de-cluttering your bathroom   is to do what was just mentioned, take the time to go through your entire bathroom looking for items you no longer use.  If you haven’t used an item in the past week you should consider either getting rid of the item or at least finding a spot for it that will help to cut down on clutter in the bathroom.
  2. Another tip for de-cluttering your bathroom is to throw out old toothbrushes. Some folks may not know this but you are supposed to change out your toothbrush once every three months to keep it from forming bacteria.   If you want to keep your old toothbrushes you could do so and perhaps use them as cleaning tools in other areas of the house.  You might find that they are good for such things as cleaning in between tiles and other small areas that you can’t otherwise reach.
  3. Take a look in your bathroom medicine cabinet when de-cluttering your bathroom. If you find medications that have expired, go ahead and toss them in the garbage right away.
  4. Another tip for de-cluttering your bathroom is to toss out any old makeup or nail polish you may have stored away in a drawer.  Old makeup and nail polish will not work like it is suppose to so there is no use to keep it around.
  5. If you have a lot of half empty shampoo and/ or conditioner bottles laying around your bathroom you can use what is left in them to refill your soft soap container. Throw out all the old bottles once you have used their contents to help de-clutter your bathroom in a great way.
  6. If you have a lot of hotel soaps, shampoos etc, why not toss them into your gym bag and use them there to help make your bathroom less cluttered.

De-cluttering your bathroom is quite simple really; you just have to take the time to do it.  Once you do, I am sure you will like the clean fresh feeling you have as a result.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

Spruce Up Your Curb Appeal in a Weekend!

February 27th, 2024 by tisner

Most home sellers work full time, and getting the house prepped to be put on the market can be a second full-time job, depending on their to-do list.  As most every seller knows, curb appeal is vital for a great first impression, and carving extra time is
a luxury, but with these tips and ideas, it can go from zero to fabulous in a weekend! 

  • Cleaning Pressure wash the exterior siding, fencing, the porch floor, concrete walkway and driveway, and as dreadful as it may be, clean out gutters. 
  • Painting These exterior items may need paint:  front door, shutters, window sills, exterior trim, garage doors, porch floor and railings, mailbox and address numbers. 
  • Replace Lighting fixtures that are dated or weathered should be replaced, and put up new address numbers, or mailbox if paint doesn’t improve their appearance, and get a new welcome mat. 
  • Inspect Go around the house and look closely at exterior trim, shutters, and window sills.  Examine concrete for damage, and make sure walkway pavers are stable and in perfect condition.  Make certain that all landscape lighting or irrigation systems are in working order. 
  • Lawn Care Not only should the lawn be mowed but using an edge trimmer to neaten up the walkways, driveway and planting beds makes a big difference.  Seed any dead areas of the lawn.   
  • Landscaping Weed flower beds, add seasonal easy-care plantings (annuals are best for season-long blooms!) and new mulch.  If a tree needs more than minor pruning, call a tree specialist. 
  • Decorative Remove personal yard flags, add some potted plants on the porch, highlight a shady spot with a simple outdoor bench and a few plants, and clean up outdoor furniture cushions or replace them. 

Much like the interior of the home, the outside should be clean, in working order, and clutter-free.  Before you get outside, go online and search recently sold homes in your market for some curb appeal inspiration, then put in a weekend’s time, and get that house sold!  

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

New Year’s Resolutions for Homeowners

January 2nd, 2024 by tisner

New year, new you, right? Oh, we all seem to resolve to eat healthier, lose weight, kick dirty habits and all kinds of other things, but by the end of February, we find ourselves just trying to remember what our resolutions were, much less actually stickin
g to them! Homeownership is the same way–we start out with big ideas of what we’ll be doing to maintain it, then life gets in the way, and we fall short.  Get started with this guide: 

  • Having an energy audit performed on your house will help you save not only energy but money, too. 
  • Your dryer’s lint trap should be cleaned routinely after each load, but your vent and vent tubing should be cleaned at least annually.  Removing as much lint as you can helps dry your laundry faster and reduce the risk of fire. 
  • Home security systems aren’t foolproof against hackers, and neither are smart home accessories.  Change passwords frequently, and don’t reuse passwords.  To make it even more difficult to hack, use two-factor authentication.  
  • The Family Handyman has several tips for keeping the yard and yard tools in tip-top shape. 
  • Resolve to cut the clutter in your house. While the temps are cool, and you’re spending more time inside anyway, take one room in your home per week to clean out and clean up. 
  • Repair the little things that you overlook because they’re not necessarily a safety issue:  doorknobs that aren’t working, dripping faucets, or squeaky floors. Fix now to save you from something bigger happening and costing you more later. 
  • Get your personal finances in order!  Commit to saving money, not only in the literal sense, but get the best rates on insurance, or consider refinancing your mortgage. NerdWallet has some great tips for building equity in your home. 
  • Print out this free home checklist, and you won’t miss a thing each season! 

Find a good balance of taking care of home and taking care of you and your family.  Don’t spend every spare minute maintaining your home. Some projects can combine family and work time, like a big cleaning job, or yard work.  As important as it is to keep up your home, it’s important to keep up with family as well.   

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

Curb Appeal Mistakes To Avoid

June 27th, 2023 by tisner

If you currently have your house on the market, you may want to look over a few of the curb appeal mistakes that you might possibly be making listed below.   You may or may not have issues with any of the mistakes that are listed but if you do, we will tell you how to fix them so that you will be more likely to get folks interested in looking at your house.   Curb appeal can many times be the number one reason why a person decides to look at your house in the first place.  Be sure to do your part to make your home’s curb appeal work for you and you might find that you have an offer quicker than you were planning on.

  1. If your home is totally gorgeous inside but lacks curb appeal outside, no one may ever know just how beautiful your home actually is because they simply won’t want to come inside.  You need to make sure that the outside of your home matches the quality of the inside.  If your home looks fresh and new inside, make sure that you have fresh paint and landscaping outside.
  2. Even though you may have a trash pick-up service, many times when days get busy the trash may be overflowing. Do your best to keep your trash cans out of sight from those who may come to tour your home and also keep them empty if at all possible or at the least not overflowing with garbage.
  3. If you have recently starting doing a bit of renovations to the outside of your house, be sure to get those finished before you put your home on the market. You need to think about prospective buyers that may be driving by your house to get a glimpse of what it looks like and realize that no one wants to see a house renovation half completed.
  4. If you have a big sense of style that can sometimes get a bit crazy, now is the time to neutral that down a bit. If your front door is painted bright pink for example, you may want to cover it with some white or beige or even black paint before you put it on the market.  Just because you love hot pink doesn’t mean everyone does!
  5. If you don’t have a green thumb and therefore you haven’t done any landscaping to the outside of your home, it is time to at least plant a few bushes. Homes with no landscaping tend to be looked over when up against homes with a bit of landscaping.

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking of perhaps some curb appeal mistakes you may have currently at your home and how to correct the issues to help snag a sale.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

How To Take Care of Your Laminate Wood Floors!

September 20th, 2022 by tisner

Choosing laminate wood flooring for a home is a really good decision for a homeowner.  Laminate flooring has come a long way since its beginning a few decades ago, with better quality, ease of installment, and varieties to choose from–you can even get laminate to look like stone! Caring for this manufactured product can be tricky, but with the right cleaning and care, it can look great for years to come.

    Protecting the Floor

  • Laminate flooring isn’t real wood–it’s an image of wood adhered to fiberboard, with a bottom that is moisture damage-resistant. It is covered with a clear protectant that is hard enough to protect it from scratching and pitting.
  • Although it is made to prevent moisture damage, it still needs to be protected from liquids. Any spills need to be cleaned up as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
  • The top layer of sealant is there to protect the floor, but if the dining room chairs are constantly pulled from the table, put some felt pads on the legs to prevent any scratching.
  • Other pieces of furniture that don’t get moved often still may need something under the legs, and felt pads or newer style plastic casters work perfectly for heavier pieces.
  • High traffic areas are best protected with area rugs and runners. Be sure to use a gripper mat or tape underneath rugs to prevent slipping.
  • Even though laminate is great for homes with pets, they can still get scratched in extreme situations. Keep pet’s toenails trimmed to prevent this. Pet accidents need to be cleaned immediately to prevent moisture damage and stains.
  • Some toys with sharp edges can dent or pit the floor, so they should be used with care, or in places protected with area rugs.
  • Sometimes an area of the floor can get damaged, and the best solution is to call the manufacturer to get their advice. Most even sell repair kits for small DIY jobs.

Keeping It Clean

  • The first defense in keeping any floor clean is a mat on both sides of a door that leads outside. A “no shoes” policy could even be put in place to keep even more dirt out, as well as preventing scuff marks.
  • Removing dirt and small particles is best done on laminate floors with a microfiber cloth or mop. Sweeping with a broom can scratch the surface over time, and usually doesn’t get all of the dirt, anyway.  Many styles of reusable and washable cloth floor cleaners are available and are perfect for laminate.
  • Electric sweepers are also excellent for vacuuming dirt and pet hair. Make sure any vacuum-type sweeper has a gentle brush motion.  Too heavy, and it can scratch.
  • Mopping can create streaks because of too much detergent in the cleaner. The best solution for mopping grime or sticky spills is using two parts warm water, one part white vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing liquid, and a drop or two of lemon essential oil. The essential oil helps keep the vinegar odor down, but that smell fades quickly.  Mix this in a spray bottle, and spray each area as you mop.  The less liquid used, the better for the floor.
  • In case of streaks, use a microfiber cloth or cloth diaper to buff the floor. These are best for a great shine on the floor. Never use dusting spray, as it can cause floors to be slippery.

Laminate flooring can be an asset to a home, without the expense and extra work a hardwood floor can bring. Without a lot of extra cost, the flooring can look new for many years, as long as attention is paid to its care and cleaning.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

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Six Home Items You Should Inspect Now

June 23rd, 2020 by tisner

Home ownership is a big responsibility! Sure, you have the financial responsibilities, but what about maintenance? Letting your house just sit and be a shelter for you is not
 going to work, even if you live in a newly constructed home. It is up to you to keep it in tip-top shape! Take a day to go over these items to make certain all is well at your house: 

  • Roof:  Your roof is probably your home’s most important part of its structure, so inspect it well:  take binoculars or use your phone’s camera to zoom in on the roof and look at every aspect. Check for damaged, missing, or curling shingles. For a tile roof, look for cracks or missing tiles, and metal roofs should be gone over for loose screws or damage to the metal. On a rainy day, go into the attic and check for leaks. Have any issues repaired as soon as you possibly can. 
  • Foundation:  The other important side of your home is its foundation. Check for cracks in the bricks, look at the grading around the outside (making sure water is running away from your home), and check for gaps in the outdoor walls and windows. On the inside, look for sagging floors or bowing walls, doors that do not want to close or windows that do not want to open. These are all signs of possible foundation issues. 
  • Siding:  Look for peeling, blistering, or fading paint, as these may be signs that you need new siding. Check for rot and warping on the soffits and any fascia boards. Visible mold can be a sign of a major moisture issue and should be investigated by a pro. 
  • Plumbing:  Grab a flashlight and go under your sinks and look for any signs of leaking. Toilets can leak “silently,” and you can figure out where the leak is coming from with a little food coloring and time.  Inspect around the water heater for any signs of leaks as well. 
  • Smoke/CO Detectors:  If you have battery-operated detectors, checking the batteries is fine, but you need to be sure they are working as well. CO detector kits are available at most home stores and testing a smoke alarm is as simple as blowing out a candle and allowing the stream of smoke drift towards the smoke alarm. Be sure to let everyone in the house know you are “crisis testing” the alarms! 
  • Gutters:  On a rainy day, or using the water hose, check to be sure gutters and downspouts are running freely (no clogs), and have no leaks around the seams. 

Taking the time to look carefully at possible problems in your house can save you time and money down the road, especially if you plan on reselling the house in the future. You are protecting your investment and protecting your family as well. 

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

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Photo credit: StormGuard

8 Things Homeowners Should NOT Be Doing

July 2nd, 2019 by tisner

Homeowners know that to-do lists are almost always too long, but what about don’t-do lists? Whether you’re a first-time homeowner or have been in your home for ten years, here are a few things you shouldn’t be doing: 

  • Testing the smoke detectors incorrectly:  sure, the battery needs to be checked, but so does the smoke detection.  Light a match, preferably a kitchen match, and blow it out, holding it next to the detector.  If the alarm sounds, great; if not, replace the battery.  You may need a new smoke alarm. 
  • Using incandescent light bulbs:  LED and fluorescent light bulb technology is getting better aesthetically speaking, so the extra cost to replace your incandescent bulb will make up for itself in the end.  You won’t be buying new ones for at least one year, plus your energy costs will decrease. 
  • Keeping the old thermostat:  replace it with a programmable, or even better, a smart thermostat.  You will notice a difference in your electric bill! 
  • Not checking gutter guards:  gutter guards are great for keeping leaves, larger twigs or pine straw from clogging the gutters, but dirt, seeds, as well as other smaller materials can still get in and cause problems.  Check your gutters at least every six months. 
  • Ignoring your roof:  just because you’re not seeing it up close and personal every day, doesn’t mean it doesn’t need inspecting occasionally.  Learn more about how to be kind to your roof here. 
  • Setting the mower to the lowest cut:  cutting your grass too far down can cause it to die.  It will not keep you from mowing less!  Cutting the grass 1-3 inches in length will keep it beautifully green. 
  • Planting trees close to the house:  small trees that can reach thirty feet in height should be planted ten feet or more away from your house, while taller trees need to be at least thirty feet away. 
  • Watering the landscaping in the evening:  your way to relax after a long day may be gardening but giving your plants a drink in the evening can cause mildew and other fungi to grow.   

Keeping these don’t-do’s in mind will help you save money, besides keep your home safe and in good living condition!  Also think of it as less to do, thus freeing up your time to enjoy being home with your family. 

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

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Decluttering the Hard Stuff

January 29th, 2019 by tisner

Decluttering the Hard Stuff
When the holidays roll around, we usually come across a couple of boxes of decor we haven’t used in a few years, the kids find that they have no room for their new things, and we simply realize it is time for a throwing out party!  Use these tips to have a decluttering and start the new year off clutter-free! 

  • You could make some extra holiday cash if you’d get rid of those not-so-stylish Christmas sweaters you have stored away.  Sell them in social media website marketplaces or give them to a charity to sell. 
  • Non-sentimental decorations that haven’t been used in a few years should be given the same thought as clothes you haven’t worn lately:  get rid of them. 
  • Many schools and other charities hold warm clothing drives this time of year.  If you have coats, gloves and other cozy gear in good condition that haven’t been worn in a year or two, even adult sizes, have them cleaned and donate them. 
  • Books are items that are very difficult for readers to declutter, but you can stop the growth of your book pile.  Go to the local library, sign up for a card, and check out books! If you love them, then buy a copy.  That way, you won’t have books you’ll likely not read again stored or crowding your home. 
  • Your children can help with the room-cleaning and let them decide what they want to give away.  If they can’t remember the last time, they played with something, and if it’s not extra-special to them, put it in a giveaway bag.  Call local non-profit daycares and homeless/domestic violence shelters to see if they can use them. 
  • Take time over the holidays to clean up your computer.  Look for old documents and downloads that you’re no longer using and remove programs that you nor the computer need.  It will free up memory and may even help the speed of your computer. 
  • Old blankets and other bedding that isn’t being used would be a great donation for animal shelters! Gather everything in a bag and give your local pound or shelter a call. 
  • In the bathroom closet and medicine cabinets, you may find a lot of lotions/creams/soaps that have never been used.  Donate these to assisted living centers or homeless shelters. 

It can be difficult to let things go, because we hold on to things because we just know we’ll need them as soon as they’re gone.  It’s best to set a few things to get rid of, or amount of time to spend on the cleaning, or just a date to start our throwing-out party and stick to it.

Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.

Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.

You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently.  You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.

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Teri Isner, CIPS, CRS, GRI
Keller Williams At-The-Lakes
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Suite 200
Celebration, Fl 34747

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