May 28th, 2024 by tisner

When we’re enjoying the warm weather, our pets usually are, too. When we’re spending time outdoors with family and friends, we usually include our pets. Keeping our furry family members safe should always be a priority, and these tips may be a refresher course for some, but it never hurts to make sure all our loved ones are kept out of harm’s way.
In the Backyard
- Fencing should be examined to make sure there are no gaps at the bottom, and that all materials are in place and secure. You don’t want Fluffy taking a neighborhood excursion by himself.
- The garden and landscaping bring us great satisfaction, and animals like to take a bite of growing things occasionally. Check these lists for cats and dogs from ASPCA to make sure you keep your pets from chewing on them.
- Keep any swimming pool chemicals and mechanical lawn tools sealed and out of your pets’ way. Some of these products have a scent that is enticing to animals, and they wouldn’t hesitate to give them a try.
- It may sound sensational, but if you have an animal that is a toy breed, or weighs five pounds or less, keep an eye and ear out for any predatory birds. Owls, hawks, and eagles have been known to attack small pets, mistaking them for a wild meal.
- Sometimes it’s necessary to leave your dog or cat outside while you’re gone for a while. Make sure they have adequate shelter to keep them cool, and plenty of cool water to prevent heat stroke or dehydration.
- Allowing your cat to roam in the yard is great for them, as they are natural hunters, and they find great pleasure in all the sights and sounds. Keep an eye on them in case they see a bird they’d like to get to know better, or find a snake in the flower bed. Protecting wildlife and your feline friend go hand-in-hand.
Out and About
- Does your dog go with you for exercise while you’re biking or jogging? Some active pet owners take a water bowl with them, so they can offer a cool drink to their pet, and you can train them to drink directly from the bottle using an adaptor created especially for dogs.
- Going fishing or water skiing? Make sure you have a life jacket for them, as well as an overboard plan. If you think Fido would enjoy jumping into the water, maybe you should leave them at home or at the kennel for their safety as well as your own.
- vetSTREET offers some great tips for taking your dog to the beach. Heat, waves, and hot sand can all play a role in just how much fun everyone will have–or not.
- It’s vacation time, and you’d like to bring your pet with you, so call ahead for information on pet-friendly lodging, and where they can stay for events where pets aren’t welcome. Make sure you have a vehicle safety harness or seat belt for them or their carrier while you’re traveling.
Summertime brings water fun, cookouts, and don’t forget the insects! Keep your pets safe from biting insects, and be sure they get a flea and tick repellent treatment and heartworm prevention to avoid any diseases these insects can cause down the road. Pets need to be kept as safe as small children, so take preventive measures so you can have a fun and healthy Summer with the whole family.
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Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
Tags: furry family members, orlando avenue top team, pet safety, Pet Summertime Safety, pets, Teri Isner
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January 17th, 2023 by tisner

When you have pets and you are trying to sell your home there are a few ways that you can avoid your pets ruining your home sale. Many times folks love animals but that doesn’t mean they want to see evidence of your pets in your home when they are trying to envision themselves living there. Below are a few ideas on how to not let your pets ruin your home sale.
- Vacuuming your home is a great idea before you have someone tour your home for a showing but it is essential if you have pets. Pet hair and tufts of fur can find their way into your guest’s noses and faces if you aren’t careful and that is not going to be good for your potential sale. If you have someone who happens to sit on your furniture during their home tour you don’t want pet hair to get all over them. A good way to insure that this doesn’t happen is to run a damp sponge over the furniture before they arrive.
- As you already know pets are bad about leaving little surprises for you on your floors especially if you are gone during the day. Pet stains are not a welcomed sight to anyone that might be interested in buying your home. Think about it, would you want to see someone else’s pet mess when touring a home? I think not. Do your best to remove any types of these stains before your potential buyers come to tour your home even if you have to spend some money to get things cleaned and stains removed by professionals.
- Pet odor is another thing that can ruin a potential home sale. You are likely use to the way your pet smells and may not even be aware that they have an odor but they do. Those folks who may come to tour your home will likely be able to smell it as soon as they enter the house. Spraying odor neutralizing sprays can help with pet odor as well as perhaps having just baked some cookies for your guest to enjoy. Whatever you have to do to get rid of the odor is what you need to do.
- If your pet has a bed in your home it is best to stick it in the closet or to remove it from the home before your home tour begins.
These are just a few ideas on how to not let your pet or pets ruin your potential home sale. Hopefully they will get you thinking in the right direction so that you may be more able to walk away with an offer.
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
Tags: home sellers, homeowners, How To Not Let Your Pets Ruin Your Home Sale, orlando avenue top team, Orlando Sellers, pets, sellers, selling a house, Teri Isner
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October 29th, 2020 by tisner

National Cat Day on October 29th is the purrfect day to give extra attention to your feline friends.
Cats make excellent companions. They rarely miss you, but when they do, you sure know it. Awareness days such as this one urge pet lovers to adopt from a local shelter. The day also reminds us that neutering and spaying our furry companions helps reduce the abandoned population.
Shelters are full of cats and kittens in need of forever homes. These feline fur babies come with as many personalities as they do colors and coats. They curl into our hearts and will just as quickly remind us they decide who they love. Whether they were born in the shelter, surrendered or abandoned, 3.4 million find their way to a shelter.
When considering the adoption of a furbaby, take your time. Each shelter animal will touch your heart, so be sure to find a life-long love.
- Consider your lifestyle. Will you have time for an active kitten or will an adult cat be more to your pace?
- Make multiple visits before making a choice. Sometimes, the purrfect cat will choose you.
- Spend one-on-one time with the cat so you have some bonding meowments and her true personality comes through.
- Do other members of your fur family need to be considered? If so, be sure to introduce them to be sure their personalities mesh.
- When you bring your new family member home, have a space ready for him to decompress and adjust to his new abode. Don’t be surprised if he hides at first. This is normal cat behavior.
HOW TO OBSERVE #NationalCatDay
Pay particular attention to your cat today. Adopt a new cat. Use #NationalCatDay to post on social media.
This day was created by Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Welfare Advocate, Colleen Paige, in 2005. Since its inception, it has helped save the lives of more than one million cats.
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Tags: cats, National Cat Day, National Days Calendar, orlando avenue top team, pets, Teri Isner
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November 27th, 2017 by tisner

The time of year is upon us when we gather together and indulge in our favorite foods. It’s so easy to slip Fido or Kitty a little scrap now and then, but it may not be such a good idea. See this list for human foods that may or not be good for your pets.
- Turkey may be an ingredient in some pet foods, and a bite or two of cooked, white meat is a nice treat. The skin, however, contains fat as well as spices that can cause an upset stomach, or worse, pancreatitis. If they get turkey, remove the skin.
- If you’re celebrating with prime rib, or ham, a few bites of meat without herbs or spices is a nice snack.
- Bones of any kind can be a real danger because of splintering, and could cause choking as well as a perforated digestive system.
- Gravy is a yummy treat poured over their regular food, but limit it to a few tablespoonsful. Gravies are usually too salty for animals, and are high in fats.
- Before you turn your baked sweet potatoes or pureed pumpkin into pies, pass a spoonful or two along as a treat. Both are rich in vitamins and high in fiber, and are a great anytime snack.
- Onions are a definite no–they contain thiosulphate, which is quite harmful to dogs and cats.
- Stuffing may not only be too carb-rich, but the onions, garlic and spices that most stuffing’s contain can be toxic your pets.
- Going sugar free? Make sure your artificial sweetener doesn’t contain xylitol, and if it does, make absolute certain your pet doesn’t eat anything it’s an ingredient in.
- Baked goods contain too much sugar, or may have chocolate, which shouldn’t be fed to either cats or dogs in the slightest amount. Call your vet if you think they may have eaten anything containing chocolate.
We usually end up going a bit overboard on Thanksgiving, but it doesn’t have to include our pets. The extra people in the house and hustle and bustle in the kitchen and can be a bit much for pets, anyway. Provide a quiet corner for them so they can get away for a while. When you sit down for your meal, make sure guests know not to feed the four-legged beggars with the sad eyes. If you really want to include your beloved canine in your family meal, try this little doggy casserole from The Bark, and cats will enjoy these turkey jerky nibblers that are easy to make!
Access Teri’s one-stop Orlando FL home search website.
Teri Isner is the team leader of Orlando Avenue Top Team and has been a Realtor for over 24 years. Teri has distinguished herself as a leader in the Orlando FL real estate market. Teri assists buyers looking for Orlando FL real estate for sale and aggressively markets Orlando FL homes for sale.
You deserve professional real estate service! You obtain the best results with Teri Isner plus you benefit from her marketing skills, experience and ability to network with other REALTORS®. Your job gets done pleasantly and efficiently. You are able to make important decisions easily with fast, accurate information from Teri. The Orlando Avenue Top Team handles the details and follow-up that are important to the success of your transaction.
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Tags: Holiday Food, human food for pets, orlando avenue top team, Orlando Sellers, pet owners, pets, Teri Isner
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